Friday, May 20, 2011

Second full day

Today was a good day. No rain, not much sun either. The wind diminished
to 12-14 knots for most of the day so the sailing was pretty relaxed, but
we still averaged about 7.5 knots of boat speed. We passed the 1/4 way
point at about 4:40 this afternoon. Last night I saw another boat 12 miles
to the east of us. Other than that we have had the ocean to ourselves.

The only problem so far is that we can't get Herb Hilgenberg on the single
sideband radio. Herb has run a gratis weather routing service for nearly
two decades. We were hoping that he could tell us about weather ahead, but
his broadcasts have had so much static that we can't make out the words
(they originate in Ontario, Canada so they have a long way to travel.)

Just had a delicious chilli and garlic bread dinner, made by Nick Jr before
we left and reheated by Adam, who had KP duty today. I'm supposed to be on
watch right now so I'd better quit before Adam tires of covering for me.

Nick Sr 5/20/11 6:30 PM

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