Saturday, June 18, 2016

First Day

The first twenty two and a half hours of our have been pretty uneventful, the wind has been pretty low especially around 2 in the morning. The racing has been doing pretty well, last night at about 4 we were beating about half of the fleet and much further to the west, but since then we have dropped back. The Automatic Identification System (AIS) has been very useful for seeing where the other boats in the race are. Today so far we have had a pretty constant 6-8 kts of wind which is enough to move us but not very fast. It has been extraordinarily flat so far but this might change once we hit the gulf stream because they weather people are predicting 20-30 kts of wind that opposes the current which will cause some serious waves and a lot of crashing around, but that probably wont be until tomorrow. Due to the impending rough weather Poopy has decided on having 2 watches of 3 people so if your not on watch your sleeping. So far we have not the eddie we wanted to so we haven't really had any boost from the current. We've seen quite a bit of marine life so far, three whales and quite a few jumping fish. The previsions have been much better than  on many other boats, last night we had delicious bow tie pasta provided by Ryan, for breakfast we had sticky buns, for lunch we had soggy empenadas but they were still pretty tasty, and for dinner we are having chili. If you read this please blow to the east and make us some wind, the wassail doesn't go to fast without 15 kts and we are loosing ground.               

--   Sent via OCENSMail satellite email service.

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