Sunday November 15, 2009
Today we arrived at about 4 pm local time after a very long time traveling. We were tired but happy to be here. Adam took a picture of us from the mast.
Today at the kids club I went to the science museum and went in a spy fighter jet. I learned two more knots, the double figure eight and I forget the other one but it’s a knot for if a rope brakes you can tie it back together.
Wednesday November 18, 2009
My grandfather bought a Parasailor which is a really big jib (actually a spinnaker) with a wing about two thirds of the way up the sail. The wing makes the sail much more stable and easier to handle at sea with a small group of people.
Did you know that a computer can cheat at a computer game, while I was playing backgammon against the computer I got double sixes and the computer did not let me have it.
Thursday November 19th, 2009
Today there was a safety demonstration. The first thing that they did was show a helicopter rescue. I
thought that it was pretty cool, especially when the helicopter flew about ten feet above us. There was a flare demonstration next. The first flare was pretty lame, just a bright orange light. The second flare was a dud, but the third flare looked like orange toxic gas. The final flare they did not launch because it was a rocket flare which might land on a boat in the harbor and they did not have permission from the coast guard to fire it off.
One of my new friends from Australia had a birthday party today which I went to. We had snacks and Jesse got a new backgammon set which I showed him how to use. There was birthday bread pudding which was really good.
Friday November 20th, 2009.
Today I went out in an Optimist pram. We were pulled out of the harbor by Pneumatic Dinghies which are inflatable power boats. They let us sail for an hour or so and we had a great time. There was a really nice looking yacht that we sailed by. It was about 52 feet long and instead of a ladder or steps on the stern there was a garage where they could keep a dinghy or a jet ski. It had two head sails, a jib and a staysail. The mast was tall and had three spreaders and the boat looked very clean and organized (at least on the outside). My grandfather made an announcement a few days ago that the boat had to stay clean and it looks like he was talking to himself. It has gotten worse than it was before.
Saturday November 21st, 2009.
Today we loaded all of the fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as all of the drinks and packaged food. We put a lot of the stuff in the forward shower, but some of the other things went in the bilge and others. We are going to go to dinner early tonight so that we can get to bed at a reasonable time. Our start is at 1 pm tomorrow and we still have a few things to take care of before we take off.
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